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Level 3

Using paths in Registry entries


I've imported a regfile for some components that we install and this works fine until the application is not installed into the default path. Is there a way to use paths like ProgramFilesFolder in the registry entries when using an installscript project?


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(3) Replies
Level 6

In InstallScript you can use the System Variables to use the system defined folders. For example if you want to use the ProgramFilesFolder there is a variable called PROGRAMFILES (refers to C:\Program Files). When you create the registry entry also you can use this system variable and append the strings thereafter. Did I answer your question?
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Level 3

I'm not quite sure what you are suggesting!

I've tried importing the registry key in the registry view and changing the path to something like [PROGRAMFILES] but when i go to the entries in the registry i cannot open the keys (i suspect because [ and ] are not permitted registry characters)

Otherwise I'll have to ship the reg files by themselves and do a search and replace on the files before importing them.

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Flexera Alumni

For pure InstallScript, perhaps try angle brackets: and so on.
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