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Level 4

Using both standard and custom dialogs in Basic MSI project

Hi everyone,

I have a basic MSI project with two setup types - minimal and custom. In the custom installation I have 4 features, which can be arbitrary combined. If a feature is selected - I created (with Installscript code) a small custom dialog for each feature to collect user input for the particular feature installation.

My problem is: how to detect which features are selected and based on that selecton to show my custom dialogs one after each other (for every selected feature I have different cusom dialog)? :confused:

And second: after showing my dialogs and collecting the user input, I want to go back to the standard dialog ReadyToInstall ? If that is not possible, how can I start the installation? :confused:

Please, any help or clue is appreciated.

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(3) Replies
Level 10

You might want to check the InstallShield help for custom dialogs within an MSI - you don't have to use InstallScript dialogs, and the MSI custom dialogs can be display within the dialog sequences in the existing MSI UI without any scripting.
0 Kudos
Level 4


thanks for the reply. I was searching in the user guide how to do that, but I didn't find anything. Could you point me where in the InstallShield User Guide 2009 can I find the information I need?

My problem is that I don't know how to access the variables from the standard dialogs and to use them later in the installation process. Also to check the state of certain variables and to trigger actions respectively...
0 Kudos
Level 10

In the online help, search for "Working with Dialogs in Basic MSI Projects".
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