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Level 2

Using ISCmdBld.exe for generating Setup.exe under Package folder

My commandline code is :

ISCmdBld.exe -p "C:\Testing\MSIApp_V19.02.02\Install\Source\PC Tool MS-I.ism" -b "C:\Testing\MSIApp_V19.02.02\Install\Release" -e "Y"

Issue is not able to generate Package Setup.exe using cmdline but the .ism project was succesfully packaging Setup.exe using the GUI interface.

Using GUI, folder structure was --- Release -> Package -> Setup.exe and Release -> Disk Images -> Disk1 -> setup.exe

Now with using cmdline folder structure is only --- Release -> Disk Images -> Disk1 -> setup.exe. Package folder is missing from the build

Commandline is building successfully, there are no errors.

Can anyone suggest the changes to be done to generate the Package folder also under Release.

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(1) Reply
Level 2

Anybody find a solution to this?
I'm having the same issue with 2016 and installscript installs.
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