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Level 3

Using DirectoryNameEditor in custom bean's beanInfo makes wizard fail

I have a custom ProductAction that I have developed since ISJE 4.5. It seems now that it is upgraded (and slightly redesigned) to IS 11.5 it works fine in the IS IDE, compiles and builds fine, but fails with when running the wizard. The error happens at the very first panel, it first shows up on the title bar then clicking next puts it on the welcome panel:

ERROR: cannot load product /product.xml: QJMLException: (error code = 3002; message="An error occurred creating the bean info for class java.lang.NullPointerException")

If I comment out the line: pds[6].setPropertyEditorClass(DirectoryNameEditor.class); In my BeanInfo class the wizard runs fine, but of course I loose the IDE functionality that has worked for the last several years.

I have tried adding support.putClass("com.installshield.beans.editors.DirectoryNameEditor"); in my build method as well as putClassResource(...) but no luck.

Anyone had any success using DirectoryNameEditor or have any ideas?
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Level 3

Bump, anyone have any ideas?
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Flexera Alumni

Hmmm... I recompiled this old [thread=60839]Editor Gallery[/thread] wizard action with 11.5, added it to a project, and ran it, and it seemed okay. As a test, does that one work for you?
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