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Level 3

Upgraded Projects breaking Regedit and TaskMgr

Hopefully someone can help.

I have been upgrading several installations from InstallShield Professional v6.3 to IS2009. The problem arises when the the package is built when the file source paths are from my local machine. After installation - Regedit is unavailable - as I get a pop-up message “Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator”. Additionally, Task Manager is disabled.

This does not happen if the file source paths are the UNC paths to the original network location where I pulled the original Installation project files.

This does not make any sense to me - and no other installations are exhibiting this behavior.


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Level 3

Additionally, I have tried using debugger, but the disabling of Regedit occurs before the script files are invoked.
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Level 3

This sounds more like a Group Policy restriction added to your machine by your system administrators.

You can turn off the "Disable Registry Editing" policy by doing the following.

1. Click 'Start'
2. Choose the 'Run...' command
3. Paste the following line into the 'Open' text box:

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

4. Click 'OK'.

Now should at least be able to run 'regedit'.
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Level 3

No, I have Administrative rights on the Machine. If I list the file paths from the network - the same install works fine - and Regedit is not broken - and Task Manager is likewise not disabled.
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Level 3

I was able to resolve the problem by creating a path variable: This references the root folder for the project files.

By prefacing every file location with the variable, REGEDIT and TaskMgr are now operational.
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