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Level 6

Updating the Product Version

Anyone have any ideas on what the easiest why to update the product version during the build process would be. I have messed around with trying to use the Automation layer api to get to the Product Version via a software object key. However I keep getting null pointers......

Any thoughts?
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Flexera Alumni

For another approach, please see the ISMP help topic "Using XSL Stylesheets", section "Changing All Product Beans' Key (Version) Properties". I think a copy of that .xsl file is in the xsl subdirectory of your ISMP distribution directory.
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Level 7

I found it easier to use a set of %TAGS% in the .uip file and then use a perl script to substitute in the correct values prior to running a command line build. This also works on the file locations as well. Instead of hardcoding a location I just use the tag %EXPORT_DIR% and sub that out with a value set in the environment.
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