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Level 4

Updating redistributables

Is there a way to update the redistributables?  For instance, the .NET ASP Core version available by default in my version of InstallShield is 5.0.3, but the latest version is up to 5.0.14.  I'd like to install the latest and greatest on my users' computers.

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Here are the latest .NET 6.0.2 prq's


Thank you, but that's not what I'm looking for.  Latest and Greatest may have been misleading.  I was hoping I'd be able to make my own, but I'm OK with asking for them here if that's an option.  I would like the latest versions of  .NET 5 Desktop Runtime,  the .NET Core Runtime 5, and the latest version of ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.

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