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Level 3

Uninstallation problem under Windows 7 beta

Hi everyone, I have a problem when uninstalling a software under Windows 7.
I am using InstallShield 2008's InstallScript MSI Project to make the software's setup.exe.
When I try to uninstall a software that I created via Control Panel's Uninstall a Program, it can be uninstalled.
However if I install the software for the second time and then uninstall it, an error message pops up saying
"The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it. C:\WINDOWS\Installer\97675.msi"

I've checked to make sure that the 97675.msi is located under C:\WINDOWS\Installer,and the software installs and uninstalls perfectly on XP/Vista without any problems.
Any ideas or suggestions? Many thanks to those who help me out.:)
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(1) Reply
Level 4

I have the same problem is there a resolution?
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