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Level 2

Uninstall always fails to close open IE windows


I have a setup package that installs browser plugin.

The package is available as a download from web page and normally people install it by selecting "Run" option. While everything works as expected when the package is run on the computers that don't have previous versions of Plugin installed, whenever it is ran as an update (I set it to completely remove previous version) or when just performing uninstall from Control Panel and having any IE windows open at the same time, package prompts users to automatically close IE but always fails to close it, as a result requiring system restart. In the case of update, the installation of new version proceeds after uninstall, it prompts users to close IE windows again which now close without issues, but users are still prompted with restart required dialog.

I tried to set /norestart argument which works fine, but I don't think it is a good idea as there may be legitimate reasons for requiring restart at the end of installation.

I am using InstallShield 2012 Spring Professional. The package type is Basic MSI. It installes one executable and several dlls.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Level 7


any browser or an windows explorer related plugins or updates are installed on the machine then automatically the system services will be needing to restart the machine in order to apply your changes, this can be avoided by running the package as an administrator as the services will be running under system profile.
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