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Level 2

Unc path

Hi all,

I need to build a installer for Client machines which fetches the EXES from Server(Its an Server Client architecture program) and also publish the EXE Shortcut on Client desktop and to register few dll, OCX files.

Can anybody give me an hint on how to declare the server path(UNC path) on the installsheild program(For ex: \\%SERVERNAME%\%PROGRAMFOLDER%\%PROGRAM.EXE.

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(2) Replies
Level 7

for this you have to map the network drive(convert the unc path to network drive) and then you can call an exe from that network drive.
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Level 2

for this you have to map the network drive(convert the unc path to network drive) and then you can call an exe from that network drive.

Thanks for the reply.

I will put it in a better way. I have a main installer and a client installer. The main installer used on servers and the Client installer will be used to install Client on every computer. Now i need to build a client installer on such way that it took the correct path of server. Do let me know where to declare the source path in InstallSheild.
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