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Level 2

Unattended install fails for MSI

I am currently working with an msi installer which will not run unattended. I know the following details.

  • The installer was previously an IS12 project, all versions built with IS12 with install unattended without issue
  • A few revisions ago, the installer was converted to IS2012 and no longer runs unattended
  • When given the unattended command, "msiexec.exe /i installer.msi /qr", the installer pops up and displays a quick progress bar, but nothing is actually installed.

I saw there was a sticky linking to common issues for projects imported from IS12, but the link seems to be broken. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
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(1) Reply
Level 7

Did you write a logfile with the /L*v command in order to see if the installer writes some error messages?

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