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Level 8

Unable to upgrade components

I have been using IS 12.0 and had created an installer. Now, I have made a new version of the same product installer with IS 15.0. I kept the GUID same in both cases. Feature GUID is also maintained the same.
I have somes removed from the component in the latest version. When I am doing an installation of the current version over the earlier one, only the files common between two versions are getting updated. I want the extra files to be removed from the current version after installation.
Can anyone help me on this?
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(2) Replies
Level 6

It sounds like to try to remove files of previous version using minor upgrade. You should read something (as list InstallShield help) about Minor and Major upgrades. But to put it in a nut shell, minor upgrade works like this: it compares file version or its creation date and just replaces with the newer one (if it is necessary); Major upgrade first completely removes installed old version or a product and then installs new version as during fresh install.

Also there is one hack 😉 It was described in some blog. You can search “uninstalling a component during minor upgrade” in Google to find it. Or may be that link will work for you:
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Level 6

function void FILEDOWNLOAD()
//here u give the url which i want to download at runtime
//Forexampple i have given

szInstallPATH = WINDISK ^ "Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE";

if (LaunchAppAndWait("",szInstallPATH , LAAW_OPTION_WAIT) < 0) then
MessageBox("Error while downloading", WARNING);

MessageBox("Downloaded Successfully",INFORMATION);

4)Call this function where u required in the installscript...
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