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Level 2

Two registry keys for InstallShield MSI project?

I had created an InstallShield MSI project and added a shortcut for the uninstallation (msiexec.exe /x {ProductGUID}).
The uninstallation shortcut did work....and removed all the files and shortcuts created by my project.
However, it did not remove the entry in the ARP of control panel.
Therefore, when i tried to launch the setup.exe again, it showed the "modify/repair/remove" dialog......and all these options cannot work normally.
Finally i found the reason is there are two registry keys under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" created with installation process, but "msiexec.exe /x" only removed the first key with {ProductGUID}, the second key with "InstallShield_{ProductGUID}" remained !?
Can anyone kindly tell me how to solve this problem ?!
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Flexera Alumni

(Duplicate post; follow-up [thread=180495]here[/thread].)
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Level 2

sorry for the duplicated post...but i really need help...

I have tried to modify the command to "msiexec /x InstallShield_{ProductGUID}"
but it didn't work.....
the error message says... (sorry, i am not using english os, so..)

it cannot open this msi package,
please check the msi package exists,
or is it a normal Windows Installer package.....

what can i do else !?

and i also found the uninstallstrings under two registry keys are different...
the uninstallstring key of {ProductGUID} is
"msiexec /x {ProductGUID}"
and the other one of InstallShield_{ProductGUID} is
""C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{ProductGUID}\setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0404 -removeonly"

what's the difference of these two strings ?
and how can i modify the uninstallstring in an InstallShield MSI Project !?

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