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Level 3

Troubleshoot failing setup after migrating to 2012?

I migrated a project from 2010 to 2012. The installer built ok, but it fails silently when I run it.

I added a debug log, and it gets as far as extracting the splash screen bmp, but then exits before showing any dialog.

Here is the 2012 log:
[CODE]4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: InstallShield setup.exe (Unicode) started, cmdline: /debuglog
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting setup.ini...
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting 'Setup.INI' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\Setup.INI
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting '0x0409.ini' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\0x0409.ini
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting 'setup.isn' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\setup.isn
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Reading setup.ini from C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\Setup.INI
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting 'BetaMarker.dat' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\BetaMarker.dat
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extraction of 'BetaMarker.dat' failed
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting 'EvalMarker.dat' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\EvalMarker.dat
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extraction of 'EvalMarker.dat' failed
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Upgrade check: checking product code {6FD4F026-148A-46D0-938C-E476C136DD1C}
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting '' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extraction of '' failed
4-12-2013[01:25:09 PM]: Extracting 'SplashLogoBMP.bmp' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{6AABEB95-B5A2-4469-83BB-78830D9C9EFF}\SplashLogoBMP.bmp[/CODE]

and here is the equivalent 2010:
[CODE]4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: InstallShield setup.exe (Ansi) started, cmdline: /debuglog
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extracting setup.ini...
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extracting 'Setup.INI' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{EA50F0AC-4C32-4C1C-9971-17453003FBD3}\Setup.INI
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extracting '0x0409.ini' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{EA50F0AC-4C32-4C1C-9971-17453003FBD3}\0x0409.ini
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extracting 'setup.isn' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{EA50F0AC-4C32-4C1C-9971-17453003FBD3}\setup.isn
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Reading setup.ini from C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{EA50F0AC-4C32-4C1C-9971-17453003FBD3}\Setup.INI
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Upgrade check: checking product code {6FD4F026-148A-46D0-938C-E476C136DD1C}
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extracting '' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{EA50F0AC-4C32-4C1C-9971-17453003FBD3}\
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extraction of '' failed
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Extracting 'SplashLogoBMP.bmp' to C:\Users\dnaylor\AppData\Local\Temp\{EA50F0AC-4C32-4C1C-9971-17453003FBD3}\SplashLogoBMP.bmp
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Default language: 1033, got code page 1252
4-12-2013[01:26:46 PM]: Creating setup dialog...

The only related post I could find is :

which references ISSetup.dll, but I have no clue what to look for...

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Level 3

I managed to get the installer to run by adding the /clone_wait parameter.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?
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Level 3

I don't know if it is something environmental on my machine?
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Level 3

For some reason, the installer was not processing the splash screen bitmap properly. I worked this out by removing items from by project until the installer started working.

After searching the forums it seems that sometimes InstallShield chokes on certain bitmap headers. I simply re-saved the bitmap using paint, and it now works!

The /clone_wait switch seems to allow the installer to carry on somehow.

Perhaps there was a change in image processing libraries between versions?

I'm a bit disappointed that there was no build or runtime warning to tell me what was going on. I've been banging my head against the wall for nearly two days. This is poor to say the least IMHO.
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