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Level 7

Transative Features

Something that i haven't thought about before but need to do now... I have noticed that features do not have the attribute to "reevaluate condition" like components do.

Are features naturally transative or are they incapable of being transative? In otherwords if I reinstall a product will the install level condition on the feature be retested and uninstall unnecessary features and install new features?
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Conditions on features only work to set install levels, and install levels only work to set a default for whether the feature is installed. Once a user selects a set of features (either by accepting the defaults, or by customizing them) and installs these, install levels and thus conditions on features make no further difference. By contrast, a component's condition is evaluated after it's known that an associated feature will be installed (or remain installed for the transitive case).

So in short features don't have anything like a component's transitive flag. If you want to change the features that are installed, look towards properties and control events like ADDLOCAL, AddLocal, REMOVE and Remove.
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