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Level 3

The Application verifier doesn't create log files: Windows Server 2008 logo

The mentioned log program has the following test case for the application installation program: TC1.2.1 Does the test application perform Windows version checking correctly? It is verified like this:
1) The Application Verifier software is installed on the target system (Longhorn). Setup.exe and MSIEXEC.exe are attached to this software.
2) Start setup.exe (the installation launcher) and proceed with the installation
3) Now get back to the Application verifier main window and select View > Logs from the main menu.

PROBLEM: the logs are not created.

Details: my setup.exe verifies the OS in a usual way: the checkbox Longhorn is checked as the installation prerequisite along with XP, 2003 and Vista. I assume that Installshield must verify the OS version correctly and the mentioned test case should not fail.

I would appreciate a quick answer since the issue is rather critical for us and we are under the time pressure.

Thanks in advance.
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If your question is whether an InstallShield setup.exe can pass that logo requirement, then I believe the answer is yes - at least I haven't heard of the InstallShield setup.exe preventing someone from passing this test.
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Level 3

Thanks for the answer, Michael!
I received the similar response from the InstallShield support. I also think so, otherwise I would have found lots of complaints over the inet 🙂
Then it is probably an issue of Longhorn itself...
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