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Textbox language support for Japanese in utf-8

InstallShield Version Used - 2021
Sample Problem Text - "イーサネット"
Condition - When the above mentioned problem text value is set in textbox field inside one of the dialogues that we are using and then proceed with our installation
One of the Text File Change action is replacing this text sample problem text with an existing text in one of the installed text files
Problem - The text file is in UTF-8 Format and the text that got replaced looks like this  "�C�[�T�l�b�g"
when we forcefully change the Text file format to Shift JIS the proper text is coming
but since UTF-8 supports Japanese and any of the other languages it should not come that way.
So why is InstallShield Installer Changing it to some other text (
"�C�[�T�l�b�g") in UTF-8 format?
what is the possible solution for this?

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