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Text File changes on Uninstall does not work for multiple instances

I have a pair of text file changes (one for install and one for uninstall) The install set of changes work for the first instance and subsequent instances as well, but the uninstall works only when the last of multiple instances are being uninstalled. It's not even attempting it on other instance uninstalls. The text in blue doesn't happen on second instance uninstall.

Here's the snippet from log file on second instance uninstall

InstallShield 15:35:25: Text File Changes: Processing the replacement set 'AddConfiguration'; Target Folder: C:\MyService\, Include Files: Web.Config, Exclude Files: , Include Subfolders: No, Look in Unicode Files: Yes, Look in ANSI Files: Yes
InstallShield 15:35:25: Text File Changes: Processing the replacement set 'DeleteConfiguration'; Target Folder: C:\MyService\, Include Files: Web.Config, Exclude Files: , Include Subfolders: No, Look in Unicode Files: Yes, Look in ANSI Files: Yes
MSI (s) (4C:30) [15:35:25:461]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ISSQLServerInstall,,)

Whereas here's the snippet when the last instance is uninstalled

InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Processing the replacement set 'AddConfiguration'; Target Folder: C:\MyService\, Include Files: Web.Config, Exclude Files: , Include Subfolders: No, Look in Unicode Files: Yes, Look in ANSI Files: Yes
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Skip the replacement set 'AddMyConfiguration' because it is scheduled to run on install, but the underlying component 'OFACRemotingComponent' is not being installed.
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Processing the replacement set 'DeleteConfiguration'; Target Folder: C:\MyService\, Include Files: Web.Config, Exclude Files: , Include Subfolders: No, Look in Unicode Files: Yes, Look in ANSI Files: Yes
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Processing the file 'C:\MyService\Web.config'...
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Reading the file C:\MyService\Web.config...
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Processing the replacement item 'DeleteSetting'...
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Replacing <add key="X" value="True" /> with ...
InstallShield 15:42:04: Text File Changes: Number of items replaced: 1

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