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Level 7

Suppressing Windows 8 Tiles

When I install my product on a Windows 8 machine. All shortcuts in the installer now appear in two places, as tiles on the Start Screen and as links on the All Apps screen with the latter under the correct Product section.

Is it possible to suppress the creation of the tiles on the Start Screen, while still creating the links on the All Apps screen?

Thanks in advance.
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(2) Replies
Level 17

Have you checked this post?
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Level 7

Solution: Thank you hidenori, that post did contain the answer, although it wasn't very clearly explained and I'm going to repost the solution here, hopefully more clearer.

You need to add entries into the "MsiShortcutProperty" table. This table exists at the very least in IS2011, but I found I could import or create it in an IS11.5 project and it works fine.

There are four fields:

1. MsiShortCutProperty
This is the keyfile for the table, any unique name can be given here

2. Shortcut_
This is a ForeignKey from the "Shortcut" table, unfortunately it is not a drop down list, you have to make sure you spell and capitilise it correctly as per the entry in that table

3. PropertyKey
Hardcode it to the following: {9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 12

4. PropVariantValue
Hardcode it to the following: 1

{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 12

You need one of these entries for each shortcut you want unpinning from the "Start" screen. They will still appear on the "All Apps" screen. For shortcuts that you want on both screens I believe you can set the final field (PropVariantValue) to "0", but I simply didn't bother adding an entry for them and that worked fine for me.

You do not need to set any other property as suggested in the other thread - in fact trying to set "System.AppUserModel.ID" actually screwed things up for me. What you do need to be aware of, is that Windows 8 'remembers' the settings so you only get one shot at it. Thus when testing do it on a virtual machine or dedicated test machine that you can reimage after each install attempt. Because once you have unpinned a tile you cannot uninstall and put it back with your next attempt. This I think is intended behaviour to allow users to customise their experience and not have a reinstall or repair undo all their customisations. However, this left me banging my head against a wall for a while as I couldn't understand why my installer changes didn't have any effect after I'd been playing around manually pinning and unpinning the shortcuts on an earlier attempt.
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