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Level 2

Support Files Extraction Time

Hi All !
I am storing a lot of my files in "Support Files" section. it good for me because InstallShield deletes all files at end of process. I have only one problem with it : during extraction support files to tmp directory nothing is appears for user on the screen and user simple try to run it again because it looks like stop responding or setup exit!
Actually i expect to see message like "Extracting Files , please wait" or something like this.
Any idea ? Maybe i loose some settings?

Thanks !
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Same problem... please let us know if you have any solution
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Not applicable

You can create a dialog to appear before the "ISSetupFilesExtract" action to inform the user of what's going on.

Note that you cannot use an InstallScript API similar to SdShowMsg.
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