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Level 5

Suite install not moving onto next package/pre-requisite in a timely manner

I have an installation suite that checks for and installs .NET 4.5, then moves onto my own package which if necessary installs SQL server 2012, then installs SQL Client before moving onto the main application msi installation.
Occasionally, but with no apparent pattern, the installation of either .NET 4.5 or my package will complete correctly but installation then hangs i.e. it does not continue onto the next stage.
End tasking the installation is the only option as the cancel button is unresponsive. If i then run the installation again, it will hang and require cancelling (not end task).
Running the installation for a third time then takes the installation through, the component that was being installed passes its checks and it does not try and install it again, and the next component is then installed.
I have had this occur on a variety of platforms, more so with my package "hanging" than the .Net 4.5install , but it is the same symptoms in both cases.
What makes it worse is that if you then uninstall the components that have been installed, it will not fail the next time you run it so there is no sure fire way to know if it is going to happen to enable diagnostics.
When i've tried to capture a log with /debuglog it just shows the return from the package installation as success and then nothing.

Anyone else seen similar things? Or got any ideas where to start looking for a solution?


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(2) Replies
Level 3

I have seen the same.

But, dont know what the Suite is doing..

0 Kudos
Level 5

Hi Rune,
Thanks for the "confirmation" that it is not just me!
I Have an open support incident with Flexera that is showing as "Escalated", but its been nearly 2 weeks since i actually raised the issue and they have not requested anything beyond my initial submission which included installer logs showing a success and failure on the same machine. I'm hoping they know what the problem is and are working on fixing it 😉
I will update if/when i known anything else.


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