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Level 13

Suite Events

I would like to use a Suite Event to display a pdf file during install. Seemingly there is not much more to it than simply specifying something like [SETUPEXEDIR]\MyFileName.pdf for the File Action. Works great... almost! You have all seen the pop ups suggesting that you update Adobe when you open a pdf file… Well guess what happens in that case when you launch the display of a pdf by scheduling an action in an event? Nothing is displayed because there is an Adobe Reader Task that does not pop up a message because it is a background task and does not have access to the display… but it is waiting for a reply to the update prompt! So now you have orphaned Adobe Reader tasks that you have to kill off with Task Manager…. after you figure out what is going on. Am I missing something? Any help is greatly appreciated!

A better solution is to display an MHT file instead of a PDF file... but the question remains.
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If I understand correctly, the scenario you describe seems to be a flaw in the pdf reader's update pattern, so the question becomes whether you can detect that state before your put the end user in it. There's nothing I can think of built in to the Suite to help detect running processes, and definitely nothing more complicated, that you'd be able to use. While it may be possible to address this in a C++ or PowerShell (or InstallScript, etc.) action, I have no clue what the detailed check would be.

That said, don't forget you can display a .pdf in the wizard using an Image control.
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Level 13

Thanks Michael.

"That said, don't forget you can display a .pdf in the wizard using an Image control. "

That is true, but comes with a couple of restrictions:
1. pdf file must be in 'Support Files'. I want to place it where it could be replace by a user prior to running the install.
2. The pdf file is displayed within a Suite window. I wanted to display as a separate window.

The exercise is now strictly academic, as I have changed to display an MHT file instead.
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