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Level 3

Strange numbers in prerequisite window


I have a problem with our prerequisite window. We are using the skin "BlueTC" and we are getting some strange numbers in the upper left corner of our prerequisite window (@10650,10651...) as shown in the screenshot attachment.
Does anybody know what's the meaning of this is and how we can get rid of it? It doesn't look very "professional"...

Best regards
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(6) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Hi Jürgen,

The fix for this should be included in InstallShield 2011 Hotfix A.

John C
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Level 3

Thanks that helped! 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 4

I have a similar problem in IS 2010 Premier.

Our installations are skinned, so when the pre-requisities dialog comes up the standard bitmap that displays on the left hand panel sits on top of our skin instead of being hidden.

There seems to be no way to stop the bitmap coming up because the earliest you can code the following in (which turns off the bitmap on the left panel):
DialogSetInfo(DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE, "", TRUE); 
is in OnBegin() which is after the prerequisities dialog appears.

This is just really ugly so we either don't use prerequisites at all or we make all prerequisites hidden so the dialog doesn't come up at all or we don't skin. None of which are great solutions as we would like users to see what they are being told to install before it happens and we have to use skins to keep a consistent corporate image.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Shark75 wrote:
or we make all prerequisites hidden so the dialog doesn't come up at all or we don't skin.

In fact we can't even do this cause if a prerequisite is needed the dialog that displays whilst it installs has the same problem of the standard bitmap sitting on top of our corporate skin.

Is it possible to get a fix for this because we can't use a skin with it like this?
0 Kudos
Level 3

Has anyone found a solution to the skin problem?
0 Kudos
Level 3

jahhai wrote:
Has anyone found a solution to the skin problem?

found a hacky workaround
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