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Level 4

Storing the property value

:confused: We defined a public property in Property table and it takes the value from end user’s dialog during installation. This property value is also the value of a registry key.

However, I used a custom action to retrieve the property value during repair and found it is reset to default already. So is the registry key.

1. Is there any way to keep the property value so I can retrieve during repair time?

2. The registry key is the key path of a component and it will be repaired although it is not corrupted or missing. Is this the expected behavior? How can I preserve the registry key value during repair?

Thanks a lot for your advice.
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(2) Replies
Level 12

Since Windows Installer does not persist modified property values after installation ends, you will have to save the values somewhere, either in registry or some file, and read the values yourself during maintenance.
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Level 4


Thank you for the reply and you are right
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