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Level 3

Silent un-install from SCCM

I can do the silent uninstall with a response file, but the process I start calls another process and exits out. So I can't tell when it's done.

I run this:
"C:/Program Files/InstallShield Installation Information/{4495DE81-56C8-4A7D-AABB-B4F347E4BC07}/setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0409 -s -SMS -z -f1"%INST%/uninstall.iss"

That setup.exe launches this other setup.exe as a child process and then exits before the child process is done.
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{D12AC2E5-0632-4AE4-A2E6-8FD17AAF7564}\setup.exe /q"C:\PROGRA~1\INSTAL~1\{4495D~1\setup.exe" /tempdisk1folder"C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{D12AC2E5-0632-4AE4-A2E6-8FD17AAF7564}" -runfromtemp -l0x0409 -s -SMS -z -f1"C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Cache\UE000780.2.S-1-5-21-329068152-343818398-1801674531-190036\uninstall.iss"

Really? It should not be this difficult. I can un-install a REAL .msi with one easy command line and not have to record a response file. Why does Installshield continue to make their products such a nightmare for re-packagers??
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(2) Replies
Level 16

What product is this? It seems the ISV using InstallShield made it horrible. I assume this is something that's been deployed in the field ( legacy ) already and you are trying to get it off so you can install your repackaged MSI?

Is that correct?

Personally when I have this kind of problem I use SCCM Disovery data to get an understanding of the deployed client and write a "forced uninstall" custom action inside my new MSI. That way I can just deploy the MSI and it'll clean up the old junk. Uninstall is then as simple as /x /qn going forward.
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Level 3

It isn't an MSI. If it was an MSI I would create an MST for the install and use the /x /qn switches for the un-install.

It's an EXE which contains a file with the .msi extension, but that .msi won't run unless it's launched by setup.exe. (the ISSETUPDRIVEN property didn't help). So I had to "record" a response file for the install and a second one for the un-install.

But it turned out that the -SMS switch isn't enough and I had to put a -w switch into the command line.

It still a nightmare every time I see an InstallShield package.
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