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Level 3

Shared feature between installations

I have a feature that I want two different installers to use. I assume that I can export/import the feature from one installer to another.

If I have project A and B and they both share the feature and project A is already installed, does B detect the feature already has been installed and not install it. I have a service that obviously can't installed and started twice. Furthremore, when A is then uninstalled, will it detect that the feature was also installed with project B so it won't uninstall the feature. B will then uninstall the feature because it is the last installer that uses that feature.

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(2) Replies
Level 7

Why not use a MergeModule and include it in each project?
0 Kudos
Level 3

I guess then I can create a merge project with the core files. Then when I create the installation with the custom extension, I can add the merge module for core files. I'll try that out.

The other thing I need to figure out is how to have custom extensions loaded, but not have it customer selected. For example, reading a file or registry entry to figure out what features or components to load.

Thanks for the merge module direction. I'll check that out.
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