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Level 2

SetupCompleteSuccess Dlg: Check box doesn't clear property

Hi all,

I'm using a checkbox on the SetupCompleteSuccess dialog in oder to let the user decide if he wants to reboot.
The checkbox' property is definied in the property manager as REBOOTPC = 1, so the checkbox is initially checked.

Now, if I uncheck the checkbox at runtime, the property isn't cleared.
But, if I'm using the exact same checkbox some dialogs earlier (f.e. InstallWelcome), the property gets cleared, which is the desirable behavior.

Can anyone explain the difference ? :confused:
Is there a workaround ?

Many thanks,
ISPro 2010
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Clear property REBOOTPC's default value in Property Manager.
Then set condition to REBOOTPC<>"".
0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks for your reply, Kevin.
Unfortunatly, clearing the property in the property manager isn't a solution here, since I want to have the checkbox initally checked.
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