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Level 2

Setup.exe and MS Application Verifier Woes

So I have finally managed to produce a complex Installshield MSI project that passes all validators in both Orca and Installshield iteslf. So I went ahead with the Microsoft supplied instructions and ran the setup.exe though the Application Verifier with LuaPriv enabled to make sure it does not write or replace any WRP registry keys.

The result: 400+ errors and over one million warnings. The resulting log files is 2GB+ in size and not readable by anything in a meaningful way.

Obviously I know that I am not writing to or replacing any WRP registry keys so these warnings must be the sole fault of the setup.exe itself and whatever black magic it uses!

Has anyone ever come across a solution for this. I know I am not alone as i found others with the same problem but no solutions. However those posts were from 2006:
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Level 2

I emailed swlogo at ms com and asked them about what to do when the log is to big to analyze yourself.

They replied that i should have a look at the following URL for info about this.

They also recommended a small program from Bill Hall that can help in identifying WRP keys in the log files. This application had no problem going through my 2GB log file and telling me that I did not write or modify any WRP resources. Highly recommended if you are in the same situation... 😄

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