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Level 5

Setup.exe and Foo.msi relative location


Project type: Basic MSI
Compression: Uncompressed

Is there a way to put Foo.exe in a different directory than related Setup.exe in the Basic MSI project?
I would like to achieve following media file system structure:

Where Foo is my main project and Boo is chained MSI. Boo is not a problem, however it seems that msi must be located in the same directory where Setup.exe is located. Is there a way to override this setting?

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

It's not required that chained .msi files reside in the same directory; instead it's required that you can find the .msi in question. To handle the case you describe, you will probably have to reference Boo.msi with a property that you set in a custom action. It's also possible that careful use of .. (parent directory) in your settings might work, but I've not tried anything like that.

Note that placing an .msi file in a location other than the root directory of a CD can have damaging effects on minor upgrades, so proceed with caution if you intend to use minor upgrades in the future.
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Level 5

Hi Michael,

Chained MSI has to be in a different directory because of many transformation files (mst) that have the same name like parent transformation files. But I as wrote, it is not a problem.
Let forget about chained MSI for the time being.

Is it possible to create following media file system structure:

By default, if I create such structure and run Setup.exe i obviously got "1155: File not found e:\CD\Foo.msi" because Setup.exe looks for MSI in the same same directory. So the final question is whether I can specify path to the msi in setup.exe or it must be the same directory.

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