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Level 3

Setting user permissions for a file.

I need to set user permissions for a file where the user is IUSR_. is the name of the computer that the .MSI is to run on. I have tried IUSR_[%COMPUTER] and [IUSR_[%COMPUTER]] but I can not figure out the syntax to make this work. If any syntax works for the user side of the permissions dialog box I would be very grateful for the help. If it is helpful the first try gives an error on installation and the second gives no error but does not change the permissions.
Also, where to find help on this kind of substitution would also be appreciated.
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Level 3

If the [%COMPUTER] is replaced with [ComputerName] and other permissions are set right then this will work.
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Level 2

I have the same problem when I use the InstallShield2008 Premier.
I tried to add the IUSR_[ComputerName] "Modify" permissions to the directories below:
[Server Configuration]>[Internet Information Services]>Virtual Directory
[Application data] > [Files and Folders] > [IISRootFolder] > [MySetupFolder]

BUT... after I installed the setup.exe packaged from the InstallShield2008,
[MySetupFolder] still don't have the IUSR_[ComputerName] "Modify" permission...
Could somebody help me? 😞
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