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Level 2

Service Description

after installing a win32 service on XP Pro - SP2 using the add win32 service product action, the service description is missing when viewed in the services applet. The service is installed fine and the description field contains text in the installation desing. Anyone experinced this?

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(1) Reply
Level 9

This is a bug in IS for Windows versions 5.1 and higher!!!

Sucks but there is a way around it:

I added another component and added an Execute Process;
Command = sc
Arguments = description,ServiceName,Service Description

In the Advaced tab for this Component set the Platforms to Windows XP - the sc command is not available on Windows 2000 NT - the NT Service description works for that version anyway!

I actually set up a Variable to check if the Version is higher than 5.1 and used this variable in my conditions for the component! You can do it either way!

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