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Level 3

Self extracting Setup doesn't show progress while extracting


in my installscript project under "Media-Releases" I use the option to create a self extracting executable to run the setup. The build process creates the self extracting executable, which is about 800 MB in size. This looks OK so far.
If one starts the executable it begins to extract the files but it doesn't show progress while doing that. It takes up to 2 min. until the setup shows the initialisation dialog. So our users start the installation and they think it doesn't work, becaue the hourglass mouse pointer changes back to normal mode already after a few seconds. I wouldn't expect this behaviour from a profesional installation tool like InstallShield. How can I fix it?

Best regards,
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(5) Replies
Level 4

You could try the discontinued PackageForTheWeb for it. Works great for me.
You can download it when your search for "PackageForTheWeb401.exe".

For example:

Hope it helps.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Flitskikker,

I was using Package for the web before. Unfortunately it has problems with large self extracting executables. If the setup exceeds a certain size it shows always a message that there isn't enough disk space availabe too extract the files, free disk space doesn't matter. So I decided to change over to this IS build-in function.
I run into serious trouble now because we have to release the software this week.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Flitskikker,

I was using Package for the web before. Unfortunately it has problems with large self extracting executables. If the setup exceeds a certain size it shows always a message that there isn't enough disk space availabe too extract the files, free disk space doesn't matter. So I decided to change over to this IS build-in function.
I run into serious trouble now because we have to release the software this week.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Level 4

If those things both fail and you need to have something settled urgently, I would suggest to use something like a WinRAR SFX archive then.

I'm not an IS employee, so someone who is should look into the build in option not functioning properly. As soon as it's fixed, you can use that for a future version.

Kind regards,
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Martijn,

thank you for your help!

WinRAR Sfx is a great tool but I cannot use it because our setup project contain prerequisites which require - on certain systems - a reboot. WinRAR then detects that the started installation process is finished and removes all the extracted files :(, so the setup process won't continue after system restart.

I will use the secretive in-build compression to solve the problem and hope our customers will understand the behaviour.

Best regards,
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