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Level 3

SUPPORTDIR, Product code, CA, LaunchAndWait


I am using Basic Single MSI project and need to install SQL SRV 2005
before preques.,added a new prerequisite, but it failed with error
"Your project conatins Setup Prerequisties. These will only work
if you choose to have your release contains setup.exe....."

so i added a CA, and created a InstallScript
which call the "SQLEXPR.EXE" using LanuchAndWait(),
from SUPPORTDIR, added "SQLEXPR.EXE" to Language
But at the time of installation it doesn't find the "SQLEXPR.EXE"
in SUPPORTDIR, but instead there a directory with
"Product code " and it copies "SQLEXPR.EXE" binary there.

Suggestion need Urgently
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Is it an option to include setup.exe in your build settings (when you add your setup prerequisite)? Launching an MSI package from another MSI package generally doesn't work, and so the prerequisite approach is probably what you want...
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Level 3

Thanks for a reply.
When i used the Prerequisties approach and include the
SQLExpress2005.exe as Launch file in Prerequisties editor and
build the release as .MSI package, Build fails with error
"Your project conatins Setup Prerequisties. These will only work
if you choose to have your release contains setup.exe. Please change
your release settings to build setup.exe or remove the Setup Prerequistie
from your project" Error Code -7067

But i cannot change my release build from .MSI to setup.exe.

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