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Level 3

SQLRTGetConnections issue with IS 2013 Premier on Windows 7 64 bit.

Our application used IS 2008 Premier earlier for creating setup. We recently migrated to IS 2013 Premier. After auto-upgrade, there were some issues related to the Merge Modules which I was able to resolve.

I am having one issue currently with respect to the SQL Server connections.

I am using the following 2 functions to get the connection string.
//Get the names of all the necessary connections
listConnections = SQLRTGetConnections();
ListGetFirstString (listConnections, szConnection);

With IS 2008 (on Windows XP) the 2nd line returned correct string but with IS 2013 Premier (on WIndows 7 64 bit) this returns only the first character and not the entire string.

Am I missing something? How can I resolve it?
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(4) Replies
Level 17

If you are using an InstallScript MSI project, check out this thread.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi hidenori,

After applying the patch the issue was resolved when I created exe using the Install Shield Release option. But if I create exe using Install Shield Stand alone (us IsCmdBld.exe) I see the same issue.

How can I resolve it?
0 Kudos
Level 17

You need to update the same files under the C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2013 SAB folder.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks a lot hidenori. That did resolve the issue.

After making these changes I am running into another issue with the script which worked fine in IS 2008 but having issues in IS 2013.

We update some config files depending on user input while installation. I am updating these files immediately after InstallFiles event. But now it says it cannot find the file.

Has anything changed in IS 2013 which would affect this workflow?
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