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Level 4

SQL error pop-ups - DB exists, still errors.

Installshield MSI project - added Connections only via Sql Scripts pane - are these causing errors - If I delete them, my use of these 'empty' connection strings fails... These errors show whether the database is present or not present - need help setting up connections or finding another way to use SQLRTInitialize2() and other SQL built-ins like SQLRTGetServers2(..).

The two pop-ups during installation (or uninstall) both say:
"Error 27502. Could not connect to Microsoft SQL Server".[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect().]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.(17)"

This occurs with the SQL 2005 named instance installed and running - default Windows Authenication was used - it was installed using the same user login...

What I am trying to do:
This is a Installshield MSI Project with many, many script lines far above this SQL Stuff... the rest works... just these errors I cannot get to go away.

I need to detect if a new SQL 2005 "MYPROD" named instance is present, if not detect if MSDE db for our product is there and back it up if present - then install 2005 named instance if not there and if prior MSDE was backed up - restore it otherwise install new db...

Am I am just not understanding how to use these IS 2008 calls?
I added two SQL connections under SQL Scripts - one for MSDE and one for SQL2005. Should I somehow use the machine name and machine name\MYPROD instance name in the script itself instead?

There is NO prompt for user to enter login information - the databases are ALWAYS, and must be during this install - on the same system (local), and Windows Authentication was used with prior products (MSDE) and the new product (2005).

Please - can someone provide a better way - that will not show error if dBs do not exist - or do exist as this error occurs...?
There has to be an easier way to detect installed dBs???


My current code:

// flag to indicate if SQL Server 2005 -WITH- an instance of MYPROD was found 
BOOL bTQ2005Present;
// flag to indicate if found on THIS system
// flag to indicate if found on THIS system
// flag to indicate if a ProdData database was found
BOOL bProdDataPresent;
// flage to indicate if a Backup was made of existing data - to restore!
BOOL bProdDataBackedUp;
STRING szTDBackupPath;

function OnBegin()
HWND hMain;
STRING currentVersionInfo;

STRING szUserName, szPassword;
STRING szConnection, svName, szUser, szDB, szThisServer, sItem;

STRING szServer, szOldServer, szNewServer, sMisc;
BOOL bOldServerFound, bNewServerFound;
LIST allDBs;
number i, nCount, nServerCount, nResult, nType, nvSize, dResult, sResult;

// saw this suggestion in IS forum post - not sure if needed


bProdDataPresent = FALSE; // tells if product dB was found
bProdDataBackedUp = FALSE; // tells if dB was backed up
szTDBackupPath = "";
bTQ2005Present = FALSE; // tells if 2005 named instance is present
bTDHERE = FALSE; // tells if MSDE product dB found
bMYPRODTD2005HERE = FALSE; // tells if 2005 product dB found

// TRUE—Return only local database servers.
allSERVERs = SQLRTGetServers2 ( "MSTRSQLConnection", TRUE ); nServerCount = ListCount ( allSERVERs );
nResult = ListGetFirstString (allSERVERs, szServer);
while (nResult != END_OF_LIST)
// for each possible SQL Server found - check:
if (szServer % "(local)") then // this system
// ONLY evaluate Local / this server
if (StrFind ( szServer , "MYPROD" ) < 0) then
// named instance MYPROD not found
if (bTDHERE = FALSE) then
// ProdData not found yet on MSDE Server

SQLRTGetConnectionInfo( "MSTRSQLConnection", szThisServer, szDB, szUser, szPassword);
allDBs = SQLRTGetDatabases ( "MSTRSQLConnection", szThisServer , TRUE , szUser , szPassword );

dResult = ListGetFirstString (allDBs, sItem);
while (bTD2005HERE = FALSE && dResult != END_OF_LIST)
if ("ProdData" = sItem) then
// found ProdData on Server
// set general found flag
bProdDataPresent = TRUE;
dResult = ListGetNextString (allDBs, sItem);
endif; // end local non-MSDE analyze
ListDestroy (allDBs);
// MYPROD named instance Found
if (bTQ2005Present = FALSE) then
// found SQL 2005 with MYPROD Instance
bTQ2005Present = TRUE; // MYPROD Instance found
// check for ProdData
SQLRTGetConnectionInfo( "MYPRODSQLConnection", szThisServer, szDB, szUser, szPassword);
allDBs = SQLRTGetDatabases ( "MYPRODSQLConnection", szThisServer , TRUE , szUser , szPassword );

dResult = ListGetFirstString (allDBs, sItem);
while (bMYPRODTD2005HERE = FALSE && sResult != END_OF_LIST)
if ("ProdData" = sItem) then
// found ProdData on Server
if bProdDataPresent = FALSE then
// set general found flag
bProdDataPresent = TRUE;
sResult = ListGetNextString (allDBs, sItem);
endif; // end MYPROD analyze
endif; // end MYPROD found
endif; // end local

// get next server
nResult = ListGetNextString (allSERVERs, szServer);
ListDestroy (allSERVERs);

Here is the complete algorithm sequence in detail to give you an idea of how these flags are used:
OnBefore function:
First detect if SQL 2005 named instance MYPROD exists
- If present set flag for use later.
- If not present - Detect if a MSDE dB is installed already
If it is - back it up - (works)

OnFirstUIBefore function:
- If MSDE dB was present and SQL2005 not present
backup MSDE dB via osql call (works)
- If SQL2005 db present - continue, nothing to do
else Install SQL 2005 named instance (works)

OnFirstUIAfter function:
- If dB was backed up - Restore it to SQL 2005 named instance
- else If SQL2005 dB not already present - Create DB (works)

This format seems to work when briefly tested - just need to get rid of the SQL errors.
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(1) Reply
Level 17

The following code is trying to get database names available on the server specified for the "MSTRSQLConnection" connection in the SQL Scripts view:

SQLRTGetConnectionInfo( "MSTRSQLConnection", szThisServer, szDB, szUser, szPassword);
allDBs = SQLRTGetDatabases ( "MSTRSQLConnection", szThisServer , TRUE , szUser , szPassword );

It looks like that you specify no server names for the connection. Therefore, you received the connection error. In order to solve it, you need to set a vaild server name to szThisServer before calling the SQLRTGetDatabases() function.

Hope that helps.
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