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Level 4

SQL Server 2005 Express SP2 problem

There is a problem is with the redistributable Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express SP2. The 32 bit version of SQL Server Express is used (SQLExpr32.exe) instead of the 32/64 bit version (SQLEXPR.EXE). This causes a problem when installing on 64-Bit PCs.

The below link has the correct file.

Can you forward this to the right person and get this resolved for me?

Also, people that use the Express version typically use SQL Express; however, SQL Server 2008 Express is not included. This engine needs to be supported.

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(2) Replies
Level 17

I have attached the prerequisite for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express SP2 that supports installing onto both 32-bit and 64-bit (WoW install) operating systems. Please copy the attached .prq file to \Program Files\InstallShield\2009 Express\SetupPrerequisites folder in order to apply it, and let me know if there are problems.

Also, we are currently working on the prerequisite for the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express. I will post more information when it is ready.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thank you for taking care of this for me.
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