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Level 7

SQL Connection fails for remote server

Hi all, I'm working with IS 2008, Basic-MSI
My setup executes a number of SQL-Scripts added in the SQL Scripts View. If the user chooses a local SQL-Server (in the dialog SQLLogin) the scripts are executed.
Problem: if the user chooses an SQL-Server on a remote computer, the connection to the SQL-Server fails. In the log a message like the following is created:

Error while login 'NT-AUTORITÄT\ANONYMOUS-ANMELDUNG'. Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server SQL State: 42000 Native Error: 18456
Error 27502. No connection to the SQL-Server could be established.

Note: I have configured the SQL-Server so that remote clients can connect to it.

Does anyone, what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance, H.
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Level 7

I found the solution in this thread: I had to change the In-Script Execution property of the ISSQLServerInstall and ISSQLServerUninstall actions from the "Deferred Execution in System Context" to "Deferred Execution".

So, excuse me for beginning a duplicate thread. H
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