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Level 3

Request For RabbitMQ Version 3.10.11 Prq file

Hi Team,

Could you please share me RabbitMQ 3.10.11 prq file? I am trying to install rabbitmq by prq file but getting an issue after each and every installation of my application, It forces to reinstall again rabbitmq. If it is already installed then why again and again it trying to install? And one more thing I need to add which is It should overwrite version as well, so it can take latest version.


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(2) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi -

Whilst we try and provide the majority of most commonly used prerequisites for our customers - it simply isn't possible for us to create and provide everything.
For this reason InstallShield has a Prerequisite Editor which allows you to create your own prerequisites and for them to behave in a way that suits your installation.

From the behaviour that you have described - if the prerequisite wants to install again and again even if RabbitMQ is installed, then take a look at the conditions you are using in the Prerequisite Editor and check that they are correct.
If a condition is not met then the prerequisite will attempt to run the file - so after you have installed RabbitMQ confirm that the conditions you are using will actually work.

With regards to RabbitMQ overwriting an older version - this is not a prerequisite issue. It would be how the creator of RabbitMQ has designed their installer.
If you remove InstallShield from the test - manually run the RabbitMQ .exe file, does it overwrite its previous version?

I hope this helps,


Thanks For helping me! I have been fixed that issue.


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