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Level 6

Replacing ISComboBox with ISTextField

I am trying to replace an ISComboBox with an ISTextField based on user selection.

Here is my code:

ISComboBox state = arg0.getISContainer().getComboBoxControl("insite2_state_list");

state.setVisible(false) //Hiding the state combo box

//Creating a new ISTextField and setting its properites.
ISTextField stateField = (ISTextField)(new SwingTextField()); stateField.setSize(new Dimension(157,12));
stateField.setVisible(true);//Show ISTextField instead of the combo box.

This doesn't work..anybody know how to do this?

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(2) Replies
Level 6

You probably could do it this way, but not with that code. The easiest approach would be to have both controls created on the form from the beginning and then you could disabled/hide, enable/show them based on user selection. You may need call setLocation to move the newly shown field around...
0 Kudos
Level 6

Great!..I got it to work ..

Thanks again
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