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Level 2

Repeated failure with error code -1073741819


I am developing an ant script for use in an automated build that produces an installer using install shield 2015.

I call IsCmdBld.exe from the build script.

I cannot get the Installshield(IsCmdBld) build to consistently succeed. Almost every other build it will fail with the error-107374189.

Can anyone help me get round the error?

As a test this morning Ive run 10 builds, nothing at all changed between each build:
1 Fail
2 Ok
3 Fail
4 Fail
5 Ok
6 Fail
7 Ok
8 Fail
9 Ok
10 Ok

The build is needed urgently in my business so this is a real set back.

Many thanks
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Any insights into this problem?

This is an InstallScript project, building to cab files. IsCmdBld within a Jenkins build project. When it fails, the build just quits, at the same feature, with no error message, and the same ERRORLEVEL -1073741819 reported by the OP.

Plenty of free disk space, 16GB of RAM

Using InstallShield 2015 Pro, v22, SP1
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Level 2

I think this is the same problem as

After installing the hotfix (a zip file - Oh, the irony!) for issue IOJ-1740162, I have had six successful builds in a row. Haven't tested the resulting installers yet.
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