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Level 6

Repairing a chained msi

I have cross posted on the installsite forums trying to get repair running for a chained msi package. I have tried setting the option for ecoReinstallInstall (16) in the ISChainPackage table as well as a few variants of touching values in IS_CHAIN_COMMANDLINE_POST and having a custom action that alters a string to either be blank or have REISNTALLMODE="omus" REINSTALL="ALL" and passing that variable to the install properties for the chained package.

I also added or REINSTALL<>"ALL" for an install condition based on teh documentation found on the flexera site regarding chained msi packages. None of that allows me to get repair running properly.

Can anyone offer any advice as to what needs to happen to get a repair running properly in a chained msi? I am aware that I will have to handle a few other cases if I do this.

Please help.

cross post here:

documentation I referred to here:

additional post on someone elses thread:
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(2) Replies
Level 6

Anyone know how to get MichaelU to read this? He seems very knowledgeable on the topic.
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Level 6

bump* anyone have any ideas this is still an issue for us. I would also like to have this upgrade on a minor upgrade but if that is not possible I can live with that.
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