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Level 3

Repair or remove?

Hi, I need to detect if it is repair action or system remove action(If it is remove action user are asked to delete install folder or not). I tried to add condition REMOVE = ALL but it is true in both cases. .
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(6) Replies
Flexera Alumni

In which sequence (UI or Execute) and where in it are you placing your condition?
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Level 3

in install exec sequence: After RemoveFolders
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Flexera Alumni

Hmmm, for me the condition REMOVE="ALL" seems to fire only for uninstallation, and not repair mode... How are you invoking repair?
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Level 3

in ARP view choose "repair".
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Level 6

Try this,

_IsMaintenance = "Remove" - For Remove from ARP
_IsMaintenance = "Reinstall" - For Repair from ARP
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Flexera Alumni

Actually, testing _IsMaintenance might not work since it's a private property that's usually set in the UI sequence, and therefore lost when execution switches to the Execute sequence; please see, for example, this newsletter tip (PDF warning):
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