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Level 2

Registry access problem with InstallScript & WinXP


I'm using IS2010 for creating a setup unter WinXP with InstallScript.

In the setup I want to check for installed .NET-frameworks.
Therefore i have to check the windows registry.

I used RegDBGetKeyValueEx and RegDBKeyExist and got the following problem:
sometimes the setup can find the keys and names and sometimes not (but they are there anywhere)

if the script can't find the things in the registry, i found out that there is a workaround: If I start "regedit.exe", the setup reacts correctly again.

did anyone have the same problems or a solution?
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(1) Reply
Level 6

why are you checking for installed frameworks? Would it be easier to just require the one you wish to use as a prereq? Then it will handle the logic and allow for options like install from location, etc?

And another issue would be if the user does this on Windows 7, 64 bit, or the old 64 bit XP version. You would need to test for those in addition to get the proper reg values, etc. Thus, making requring pre-req's a better solution. The only thing I don't like about IS2010 is that they don't manage Framework .NET 4 very well.

Why wouldn't it not find the registry everytime, that seems weird (i.e. different OS's, etc). Or you'll selected the wrong registry values to check (i.e. their not always installed). You could check the folders??
They have to be there for it to work.
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