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Product name in Add/Remove Programs not updated on minor upgrade

I have changed the name of my product, but I'm running into a problem where it is still showing the old product name in the add/remove programs when I install on a non-English Windows install.

One thing that I've noticed is that during the install, it is pulling the .mst file from the install cache folder (c:\windows\installer\{GUID}), and when I check the mst file in that folder after the install, it is still the mst from the previous install.

Even on the English Windows install I see the outdated MST file in the cache, but the product name value is getting updated correctly. Is this because the default language for the install is English (1033)?

I don't see this issue when doing a major upgrade install or a clean install.

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but after a few days of looking at this, I have not been able to figure it out.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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(4) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

There are quite a few limitations that Minor Upgrades can introduce due to how the Windows Installer Engine behaves.
Unfortunately changing the name of the .msi package is not a supported feature for Minor Upgrades, and therefore a Major Upgrade would be required.

The following article if really useful and shows what is and is not supported for each of the upgrade types:

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Thanks for your reply.

I am not changing the name of the MSI. The only thing that is changing is the ProductName value. The issue seems to be that the MST that is in the Windows installer cache is not getting updated with the updated MST that contains the new ProductName value.

Is there anything I can do to tell the install to overwrite the cached MST file?

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Sorry for any confusion - the name of MSI is taken from the ProductName property.
Changing this is not supported for a Windows Installer Minor upgrade.

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I am seeing a similar behavior where in Previous versions of Installshield 2021 and older I could do an msi installation that would uninstall the previous version and install the new version. However the package built with Installshield 2022 appears to leave both versions in the apps & features list. These are minor version upgrades, but I should not see two versions of the product "installed". This is working on packages built with previous versions of installshield. Pease help. No settings have been changed.

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