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Level 5

Problems rendering Localized text on English OS without changing Regional Settings


I have an InstallScript MSI based Installation project written and built using IS 2008 Premier (which already has the support for 33 languages).

The project was initially developed for English OS and then converted to support localization for around 8 different languages (including Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, etc).

I have enabled 'Language Selection Dialog' from Releases view, selected all supported languages in UI Languages and Data Languages.

The installation runs fine when end-user selects language X (say Russian) on OS of the same language (i.e. Russian Windows) or when user goes to 'Control Panel' -> 'Regional Settings' and changes his/her 'System Locale' to match with the language selection he/she wants to make in Language Selection Dialog.

However, when end-user selects language X (say Russian) on OS of different language (i.e. English OS for e.g.) without making any changes to his/her Regional Settings, IS fails to render text properly on most of the static text controls, title bars, etc. (however, the buttons mysteriously have the proper localized text). Localized text appears as question marks (?).

This forces me to believe that IS is partially non-UNICODE.

Is there any workaround though which I can be able to display text of different language on IS dialogs when user has OS and regional settings of an entirely different language (precisely, belonging to a different code page) ?

Please, help urgently.

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(1) Reply
Level 5

Did you ever come up with a solution to this? I am having the exact same problem.
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