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Level 7

Problems adding dialogs in OnFirstUIBefore with localized strings

I would need to add additional dialogs to the setup of my installscript MSI project. To do this, I am calling within the OnFirstUIBefore the needed dialog SdShowDlgEdit1 which works.

However, I would like to use localized strings for szTitle, szMsg and szField1.

So, I added an entry to the string table IDS_MYDLG_TITLESTRING in the string table and wanted to use it in the OnFirstUIBefore:

szTitle = SdLoadString (IDS_MYDLG_TITLESTRING);
SdShowDlgEdit1(szTitle, szMsg, szField1, svResult);

When compiling, I have the following error:
C8025: Setup.Rul(...): 'IDS_MYDLG_TITLESTRING': undefined identifier

What have I forgotten? Or how can I use additional localized strings in dialogs?
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Level 7

Problem solved.

Instead of using SdLoadString, I simply had to use @IDS_MYDLG_TITLESTRING
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