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Level 4

Problem with .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite

I'm attemting to use the .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisite provided by Macrovision but it appears to be flawed.

I believe the issue is that the .NET Framework 3.5 is finishing with a return code requesting a reboot, but not initiating one. (Presumably due to the /norestart swtich the prerequisite uses.) Now the problem is the prerequisite is set to "Exit and resume on reboot" if the prerequisite appears to require a reboot. None of the other options seem to be appropriate, so it would seem to me the best option would be to remove the /norestart switch. Can someone please comment?

The problem is pretty simple to reproduce by creating an installer which uses the prerequisite and running that installer on a machine which has .NET Framework 3.0 but not 3.5 installed. After installing the .NET Framework 3.5 setup simply terminates, and the install never continues because the machine never gets rebooted.
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(7) Replies
Level 16

I'll see if I can play with this tomorrow. Until then, I'm replying just to get update notifications as I find this thread interesting.
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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

We are looking in to this. I hope to have an answer sometime on Monday.

Can you please let me know what OS you tested this under and saw these results?

What I am not sure about is if passing /norestart changes the return code from the Framework installer if a reboot is required. I need to speak with the developer that worked on this. If the return code indicates a reboot is required, then we will either need to change th return codes that we are looking for OR use the "Ignore it, and fail to resume if the machine is rebooted" option in the behavior tab.
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Level 4

I verified the behaviour I described on Windows Server 2003 but I believe a coworker reported the same issue with Windows XP.
0 Kudos
Level 4

The updated prerequisite does seem to resolve the problem.

I notice there's now a hard coded path to "c:\net35log.txt" which is of some concern to me and makes me suspect it could cause issues on machines where there is no C: drive or the user does not have access to C:\.
0 Kudos
Level 17

I added the /d switch for a debugging purpose in order to generate a verbose log, but I forgot to remove it. Here are the new .NET Framework 3.5 prerequisites. Thank you for reporting it.
0 Kudos
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

We need to pull that. We will fix it and place anoher drop of the bits here.

One other question, did both of the machines that this failed on, have .Net version 3.0 them?

0 Kudos
Level 4

Yes, in my testing the problem occured on machines with .NET Framework 3.0 already installed. I suspect it could also be a problem with machines that have .NET Framework 2.0 already installed as well (as 3.5 uses the 2.0 CLR), but we didn't run into this scenario.
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