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Level 3

Problem running ant build (worked in 5.03)

I'm trying to convert an ant script from ISMP 5.03 to 11.5 and I keep getting this error:

[java] WARNING: Class File not present for optional framework
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/win32ppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.installshield.wizard.platform.win32.Win32PlatformPack
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/genericunixppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.installshield.wizard.platform.genericunix.GenericUnixPlatformPack
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/macosxppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.installshield.wizard.platform.macosx.MacOSXPlatformPack
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/linuxppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/solarisppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.installshield.wizard.platform.solaris.SolarisPlatformPack
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/hpuxppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.installshield.wizard.platform.hpux.HpuxPlatformPack
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/webppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.installshield.wizard.platform.web.WebPlatformPack
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/aixppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
[java] WARNING: could not load platform pack in library /share/soft/installshield/IS11.5MP/lib/ppk/as400ppk.jar: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Here is the portion of my script that calls ISJE:

I've looked at launch.txt and several other threads and I've re-ordered this several times but cannot get around this problem.

Can you help?
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Level 3

In case anyone else needs help with this:

First, run the ISMP command line build with the -is:log option to see exactly what classpath is being used.

Second, and most importantly, the ppk jars have moved from 5.03 to 11.5. What used to be $ISMP/ppk/aixppk.jar, for instance, is now $ISMP/lib/ppk/aixppk.jar. When my eyes finally saw that extra lib in there, it worked just fine.
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