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Level 5

Problem related to version number

When i install two diff versions on my system , only one is visible . And while uninstalling the one which was install first get uninstalled . Can i append the version number to the name shown in Add/Remove programs. I have tried appending the version number but its not working.
On the application information page there is a field ' Specify your application version' which is automatically updated if i change the version number from the general information and also in property manager ' Product Version ' property is also getting upda If anyone knows then tell me. Its really urgentted automatically. How i can use this value.
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(4) Replies
Level 8

Are you wanting to uninstall the previous version? If so, update the upgrade table accordingly. Make sure both vesions do not have the same ProductCode and PackageCode (all can be found under General Information).
0 Kudos
Level 5

No i have two versions with installed on my system .. i have done that with logon to my system with diff Admin rights. one i have installed only for particular user and onther for all users. So versions are there . I can use both of them . but problem is in shortcuts and in add/Remove only one is visible as name of shortcut for both of them are same . I want to append version number with shortcut name and same in Add/Remove . Please help me what i should do.
Its very urgent.
0 Kudos
Level 8

For the shortcut you can modify the name within the Shortcut Table. Add your version number to the Name.
Even if the packages have the same name they should both show in ARP. Could it be that one of the packages has ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT set?
Also, double check to see if the second install is not uninstalling the first.
Investigate the registry HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall for starters.
0 Kudos
Level 5

No the older one is not getting installed..
And in shortcut table i have tried appending the ProductVersion to shortcut name but it treat it like as it is .
For e.g : abc [ProductVersion]
then it dont take the ProductVersion , it displays the shortcut name as abc [ProductVersion]. I have tried {ProductVersion} also but no difference .
Tell me how to append the version number (as version number will be diff every time so i cant hard code it).
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