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Level 6

Problem compiling project with several DIM references

I created 4 DIMs and associated each of them with one feature in my ISM project. ISFeatureDIMs table in direct editor in my case looks like :
Feature – ISDIM
f1 – dim1
f2 – dim2
f3 – dim3
f4 – dim4

But in MSI (compiled from my project) FeatureComponents table looks not as expected:
Feature – Component
f1 – component_from_dim1
f1 – component_from_dim2
f2 – component_from_dim2

f1 – component_from_dim3
f2 – component_from_dim3
f3 – component_from_dim3

f1 – component_from_dim4
f2 – component_from_dim4
f3 – component_from_dim4
f4 – component_from_dim4

Why is it so? What do I do wrong? Or is it some bug in InstallShield compiler?
Has someone used several dims in one project? Can you give me some hints on how to do it correctly?

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(6) Replies
Level 6

No one tried using DIMs? 😞
0 Kudos
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

We've recently published a hotfix for this problem. Can you see if this resolves the behavior you're reporting?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Hi Michael. Thank you for the reply.
I'd love to test the fix, but link to it in the HOTFIX article does not work
0 Kudos
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Sorry, it looks like the shorter link I tried to share broke the download link. I've updated the link above so it should work:
0 Kudos
Level 6

The fix helped. Great!
0 Kudos
Level 2

Hi to everyone.
I'm using Install Shield Pro 2012, and I'm tryng to build a project with two features, each one with different files and different shortcuts. I'm building a basic MSI project.
The build was ok. When I Run the project i'm redirected to the right dialog to choose my feature, but choosing any of them has always the same result: all files and shortcuts are installed on my computer (Windows 7).
I have read hotfix Q207411 and have done what was suggested, but it was not effective. I have even tried to build an uncompressed project and have checked the MSI file with IS editor: the FeatureComponents table appears all ok, the right components with right feature, but when i run it, all files and shortcuts are installed.
What can I do?
Thanks to anyone who can help me.
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